
Evelyn Crandall Fannin

–I am Evelyn Crandall Fannin, the organizer of this Cool Tools Math method. While teaching in grades 1 – 9 it became evident that some children learn differently, but math is still necessary. I was born in Springville, Utah, graduated from Springville High School, graduated from Brigham Young University with an Elementary Teaching Certificate and a minor in Music and Art. I married George R. Fannin, moved to Washington State, El Paso, Texas and Utah, where we raised our six children and one foster son while tutoring and teaching when possible. After 67 years marriage we now have 28 Grandchildren and 28 Great Grandchildren—all very special in their own way.

My talent is to relate to children that learn differently, because I, also, think differently. Early in my teaching career I gained a passion to help frustrated math students and developed the Cool Tools Math method feeling it was divinely inspired and above my own abilities.

Awards Earned

          Springville High School Graduation 1953

            Brigham Young University B. S. Degree with Elementary Teaching Certificate 1957

            Graduate Course in Texas Western in El Paso Texas 1960

            Silver Beaver Award with Boy Scouts of America

            Second-Miler Award with Boy Scouts of America 30 year pin

            1st Place Winner of Small Business of Alliance 2018

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I have always loved children, I graduated from Brigham Young University in Elementary Education and began my teaching career. It was evident that some children learn math easier than others. Does this sound like your child?

Through the following years, teaching and raising 7 children, tutoring, homeschooling at times, I learned some children learn math easily while others become frustrated or give-up and just don’t seem to care. I felt concern, but I wasn’t sure what to do. Does this sound familiar?

My awakening came when our son hit the wall and emphatically declared, “I’m not going to learn any more at that school!”

Uh oh.

With his determination I knew he meant it.

In a meeting with the Principal, teacher, my husband and myself, we became aware of a strong personality clash between our son and his teacher.

When she said, “No one cares about him.” My reaction was a complete meltdown. My husband came to the rescue and said, “We don’t want our son in her class.” Homeschool became the answer.

He made amazing progress, but it was still not recognized when he returned to school. We needed a different approach.

Left and Right Brains?

Sometime later my husband met a psychiatrist at Boy Scout Camp. After explaining our dilemma, the Dr. suggested a Right and Left-brain Dominance Test. Afterward, he called my husband, myself and our son into his office to discuss the results.

Guess what?

He explained that our son placed off the chart to the right side of the page and that his teacher was probably left-brain dominant. As he explained characteristics that were present to each personality, I recognized myself as well as our son as having many of these characteristics.

That explained our situation! How about yours?

I was elated to know that right-brain dominance is not a flaw, but merely a learning difference. Many right-brained people, as he called them, accomplished great things. With their creativity and compelling desire to know why and how things work. With their determination and love for solving challenges, they think differently.

YES differently, but differences doesn’t mean broken! Differences can be assets.

I do not intend to infer that Right-brain is right and that Left-Brain is wrong. Each has characteristics of value and the combination of both is necessary to make the world go around. In a marriage of both extremes present is ideal if each has respect for the other without trying to convert others into themselves.

It became my passion to know more about right and left-brained learning.

I wanted to know:

  • How can we teach math to children who learn differently?
  • If we develop a Right-brained approach to math, can anyone learn from it?
  • How can we help a Right-Brained Learners cope with different personalities?

If you have a child frustrated with math, I understand. I know how painful that is. I’ve been there, too.

Some children withdraw as they feel inferior or feel that something is wrong with them. Some children, I call it “fight back,” like picking on other kids for no reason at all or just acting out. That’s a bully.

As a parent I know how hard that is to handle, and you know, that child is feeling a lot of pain. As parents, we know we will do anything to help our child, if we just know what to do.

Well, I discovered that math is the biggest hurdle for many children, and creative children seem to be the most vulnerable.

(Maybe they are like me and respond better to a right-brained approach.)

  • Do you know a child who prefers color, not just black and white on their lesson pages?
  • Do you know a child who wants to know how and why things work?
  • Do you know a child who, when asked to memorize isolated facts, can’t and responds, “I can’t understand math!”

What an AHA moment when I realized that because math is definitely a left-brained subject, it is standard for mathematicians to create math curriculums to teach as they learn!

For some of us who learn differently, it really helps to have these facts interpreted to our different learning style.

Imagine Video Math Courses accompanied with write-on wipe-off Activity Books that convince your children math makes sense and it’s easy. It’s called Cool Tools Math Courses for success!

Our kids CAN learn math, as we TEACH them according to their learning style.

When your child finishes something they thought was impossible, they change from the inside out, relationships, love and exploring all learning. By discovering “Secrets” that make math easy their self-confidence soars.

My passion became to find a solution to math frustration. 

Over the years Cool Tools Math Courses evolved. With colorful write-on wipe off pages, that are not so permanent, discovering “Secrets” (really patterns, but secrets are more fun to find) memorizing became easy! Activities of Increasingly difficult uses of the learned skill and the correlation between add and subtract and times tables and division make the Courses adaptable to all ages as a short-term catch-up method for students lagging behind or for the first time learner.  

How relieved I felt when I realized what the problem really was and how my child and I could work together could fix it!

My passion expanded and I wanted to help relieve other parents and children’s pain. I knew my program could empower students to discover not only a new path to math, but a new perspective on learning.

As children learn to adapt all learning to their preferred method, and realize that they are smart, their entire life will be affected.


Evan was enrolled in 4 remedial classes, all classes except Gym and Art, and was adopting vocabulary and undesirable habits from peers. After 1 month of math (8 tutoring sessions), he had memorized all Times Tables and could do division in the millions.  He dejectedly admitted he still had trouble with math at school. By bringing his book, and doing instructions together he learned how all math is built upon basics and he didn’t come to tutoring anymore. Two weeks later in a phone call to his mother she said, “We won’t need your help anymore, Evan is doing three days assignments in every class every day and will be out of resource classes at the end of term.  After my initial shock, I asked about his friends. She said, ”He doesn’t need them anymore. “

Evan’s self-confidence soared. His inferior feelings were replaced, he even changed friends. Could these courses help young people’s self-confidence, decrease bullies? Could this discovery method of learning influence a child’s desire to strive to do one’s best rather than just getting-by? If homeschool parents can interpret how a “D” effort can be replaced with an “A” effort without stopping between, you will understand many testimonials from parents. Evan may never remember that these courses changed his life, empowered him, but he will never forget his discovery that he is smart.

And do you know what? Cool Tools Math worked! Soon, other parents came to me for help with their kids. 

I can definitely understand your frustration. I’ve been there. Let me show you how we do math. 

Cool Tools Math is not just another math video course, it is an empowering adventure into understanding math from a different perspective and delivers your child from the pain of feeling inferior or broken. 


One mother says, “When I try to help my daughter with math assignments, she argues, “There is a new way to do it! And I say, “But you are getting the wrong answer.” By the time we finish her assignment, we are both in tears. After a month with these courses, she finishes her assignments quickly and seldom even asks for help. 

And another mom said, ”It wasn’t until we found Cool Tools Math Courses that things turned around.” 

If you are ready to supplement those standard math programs with a brand-new way of learning math for your child, head over to -this page- and let me help you the way I’ve helped others. Success is waiting!