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While your children are at home - Cool Tools Math

How about a fun math program while actually learning.

Do you know a child who finds all kinds of ways to avoid learning math?

Having raised 7 children, half of them did well in math and the others did not. When our one son became so distraught with math, determined to give up and not try anymore, we as parents tried everything to solve the problem. We tried a Private School, private tutoring, still the problem persisted. It was when we met a psychiatrist who tested our son for brain dominance and said his tests showed he tested off the chart to be Right Brained Dominant. Then he explained the differences of learning styles and how each dominant side has traits innate to them that are assets. Since that time I wanting to know, how does that affect learning math? If children learn math differently, can we teach math differently?

After years of trial and error, designing, publishing, recording video instructions, creating quizzes to prove that they understand each concept, testing the courses on over 2900 students in one city, We can safely say it not only entertains students, but they quickly learn math. In 10 minutes they learn to add and subtract one number or they learn one set of times tables and how to use it even in long division.

Are there other children that need math help? Not the entertainment or endless drills that are common, but actually inviting courses that make learning math FUN.