New book for Parents and Teachers: Learning Differently can be a Plus. Available Soon.

With the COVID19 pandemic and more stay-at-home time - Cool Tools Math

it’s an IDEAL TIME for children to Catch-Up on math.

How exciting for your children to return to school in the fall with confidence from memorizing all multiplication facts and using them in equations in the millions.  By repeating fact skills used in the hundreds, equations in the millions are Enormous Confidence Builders.

Next the algorithm of division (even as soon as 2 Times Tables are learned) is visually shown as the reverse of multiplication facts and the process of division in the millions is successfully completed. By repeating the division steps in equations in the millions and Understanding is Enhanced.

Realizing that new methods in multiplication and division are being introduced, we discovered students easily transfer these learned skills to other fact adaptations.

Parents, Teachers: Would you be a co-creator with me for Cool Tool Math/ Multiply & Divide Course?

You may wish to contact parents of children lagging behind or desiring to improve multiplication facts.

Students will have FUN while:

  • watching lesson videos
  • doing simple activity pages
  • take simple quizzes that support their success

 When these students return to school in the fall, with their new-found confidence in math YOU will notice improved relationships with peers and adults and an increased ability to attack new subject material.

Can you imagine how it can change your home, our communities and our future if children have confidence that they are smart and have value.

We know knowledge is power, but only when accompanied with high moral values. We want a select team of co-creators.

Would you like to be considered as a co-creator of this Cool Tool Math/Multiply & Divide Course with me?

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